Mixed Size Conventional Avocado Box

  • Approximately 20-24 (from £1.14 each) conventional Hass & Fuerte avocado
  • Picked to last – to avoid food waste (your box will last 14-16 days)
  • Some fruit may have minor skin blemishes (they’re grown without pesticides) but the flesh is still delicious and chemical-free!
  • Delivered in sustainably sourced recycled cardboard boxes
  • No hidden costs – shipping to the UK included


About this Product

Your avocado will not all ripen at the same time. They have been picked to ensure your bulk purchase will last as long as possible. See the Ripening Process for the breakdown of these fruits upon delivery.

The mix of Hass & Fuerte in our boxes is based on what is in season. The seasons of Hass & Fuerte cross over to guarantee a longer lasting yield for the smallholding farmers.

Hass avocado is the most famous variety of avocado. It is known for its creamy flesh and intense flavour. It has thick, bumpy, dark skin and is smaller and rounder than Fuerte avocado.

Fuerte avocado is less oily than Hass with a rich and nutty flavour and easy to peel smooth and shiny green skin.

Conventional Avocado is grown using Climate Smart skills, organic farming techniques and organic avocado fertiliser with no chemicals or pesticides. They are not all yet certified Organic (certification happens after three years of farming organically).